Thursday, November 5, 2015
sorry for the hiatus...
Sorry i have been missing a while, I started a new job and focusing on getting Mica's twitter up and it has been booming! I am writing briefly just to let anyone who has read or reads my blog that I will get back on my s*** and start blogging more and even better than ever! thank u all for being loyal!
follow Mica on Twitter:
Monday, September 14, 2015
I am back with my love Mica and boy does it feel good!
My brother met us at the airport and the moment I laid my eyes on the sweet face, I busted out in tears. The bond we have is unbreakable and the way we both reacted when we saw each other proved that. I couldn't contain her excitement for at least an hour. lol
My brother met us at the airport and the moment I laid my eyes on the sweet face, I busted out in tears. The bond we have is unbreakable and the way we both reacted when we saw each other proved that. I couldn't contain her excitement for at least an hour. lol
(excuse my feet lol)
We played, jumped and kissed until we both felt satisfied. Then she napped while I unpacked and I couldn't have been any happier.
I literally felt empty without my companion and now that I am with her, everything just feels right.
I was a little upset because my brother did not keep up with her eye hygiene and it was extremely dark and full of eye boogers. so I got right to cleaning her face, took her a bath and gave her a nice trim. My baby was back to normal and looking better than ever!
Now I can get back to business which is getting my blog up and running, selling dog/cat accessories and all in all becoming my own boss and getting this money!!!!
The first order of pet accessories is on its way and will be here shortly. At first I will have hair bows and bow ties and then expand!
Finally and most definitely not last
Happy Birthday Mica!!!!!!
My bundle of joy is finally 1 year old! it is a bitter sweet feeling. I am so happy she is growing into a wonderful big girl but said to see my little baby grow older. I wish she can be my little munchkin butt for life but I appreciate every day I get to spend with her!
Now on to the special Birthday giveaway I have been talking about.
It's very simple, Rules:
have a pet
follow my blog
follow Mica on twitter @spoiledmaltipoo
Wish Mica a Happy Birthday on the comments below!!!
Mica and I will pick a follower by random and they will receive a special gift from our upcoming pet accessory line!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Vacation has ended!
Sorry for the hiatus but my lovely but long vacation has come to an end!
I had such an amazing time in Florida with my brother and his family that times like this I really consider moving out of Chicago. Then again everything and almost everyone I love live in Chicago....Especially MICA!!!!
I have missed that little puff ball more than I could ever imagine.
It has been 19 days since i have last seen my maltipoo Mica and the suspense is killing me!!!!
I have stated in a previous blog that this was the longest I had ever been away from her and each day I felt more and more empty. For those of who are truly in love with your dog you know what I mean. lol
anyways I had a great nineteen days but one thing that I saw disgusted me. Poor dog upkeep!
A dog is an innocent loving creature that depend on us for everything including training and cleanliness. I am not going to get into specifics on who it was but I witnessed elderly dogs in poor condition and not because the owners are abusive or lack of love but because a lack of knowledge.
These dogs were elderly but in my opinion elderly does not mean dirty, matted and wearing women's sanitary napkins held on with a make shift diaper. For those who say the dog may have needed the diaper due to his old age, no! I was told these dogs have always wore these unsanitary things. This "diaper" held the urine on their privates which caused growths, matted hair and a horrific odor!
The owners mean well, they love these dogs as if they are children but they don't understand the upkeep of a dog is very different that that of a child. You can't just pop a sanitary napkin on a dog and forget about their training, comfort and hygiene. I think a dogs potty training is one of the most important things for not only the dog but the owner as well. I don't want to pass judgment they are their dogs, I spoke my opinion they listened thats all I can ask for. I know how i raise and take care of my dog and would like to think people take the same pride in it as I do.
Anyways......I am currently in the airport typing away and anticipating the reunion between Mica and myself! I will post pics and a video of our reunion soon! Thanks for reading and staying tuned while I took a much needed vacation . lol
follow me on twitter @Spoiledmaltipoo
The giveaway will be happening
September 14th!!!!!! so please stay tuned and share this post!!!
I had such an amazing time in Florida with my brother and his family that times like this I really consider moving out of Chicago. Then again everything and almost everyone I love live in Chicago....Especially MICA!!!!
I have missed that little puff ball more than I could ever imagine.
It has been 19 days since i have last seen my maltipoo Mica and the suspense is killing me!!!!
I have stated in a previous blog that this was the longest I had ever been away from her and each day I felt more and more empty. For those of who are truly in love with your dog you know what I mean. lol
anyways I had a great nineteen days but one thing that I saw disgusted me. Poor dog upkeep!
A dog is an innocent loving creature that depend on us for everything including training and cleanliness. I am not going to get into specifics on who it was but I witnessed elderly dogs in poor condition and not because the owners are abusive or lack of love but because a lack of knowledge.
These dogs were elderly but in my opinion elderly does not mean dirty, matted and wearing women's sanitary napkins held on with a make shift diaper. For those who say the dog may have needed the diaper due to his old age, no! I was told these dogs have always wore these unsanitary things. This "diaper" held the urine on their privates which caused growths, matted hair and a horrific odor!
The owners mean well, they love these dogs as if they are children but they don't understand the upkeep of a dog is very different that that of a child. You can't just pop a sanitary napkin on a dog and forget about their training, comfort and hygiene. I think a dogs potty training is one of the most important things for not only the dog but the owner as well. I don't want to pass judgment they are their dogs, I spoke my opinion they listened thats all I can ask for. I know how i raise and take care of my dog and would like to think people take the same pride in it as I do.
Anyways......I am currently in the airport typing away and anticipating the reunion between Mica and myself! I will post pics and a video of our reunion soon! Thanks for reading and staying tuned while I took a much needed vacation . lol
follow me on twitter @Spoiledmaltipoo
The giveaway will be happening
September 14th!!!!!! so please stay tuned and share this post!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Never good bye but always see you later....
As I stated in previous blog I live in Chicago and my brother lives in Florida. So every summer my brother sends his kids down to Chicago to spend time with my family. We fly back to spend time with my brother all while bringing the kids back home. It is never a big deal and I always enjoy myself but this time something is different: I have Mica. The whole reason I didn't bring Mica with me was not being able to enjoy my nephews and niece while trying to care for Mica. So a hard decision had to be made.
Some people may say
"whats the big deal? leave her with a sitter, kennel something and go on vacation."
Well its not that simple, I don't trust people with my baby and get very anxious. When I was planning this trip that is all I can think about. Who's going to stay with Mica? are they going to take care of her like i do and so on!
It was driving me insane thinking of me being without her, I even cried thinking about it. I love this little girl with all my heart and this would be the first time I will be away from her for more than a couple days. I will be gone for three whole weeks and I decided to leave Mica with My brother and his wife.
I trust them but was worried about if they would take care of her the way I do. (crazy I know but she is spoiled and I want it to stay that way.) I gave them a Mica 101 class along with her toys, bed, treats, food, clothes, bows and more. My brothers wife was shocked saying:
"Does a dog need this much stuff?"
I snapped back saying
"this isn't a dog, this is my baby."
She laughed it off and understood where I was coming from.
So fast forward to the day I left. It was so hard, for both of us I'm sure. She was sniffing around my luggage and even got in one and laid on my clothes. I was so close to closing it up and just taking her with me. lol I would never lock her in a suitcase but it was a thought. Anyways I walked her upstairs to my brothers apartment and said the heart breaking see you later. I started bawling and I felt as if she was too, my brother took her from me and I walked away. I looked back and saw her staring at me. I wanted to go back to her but kew it would be too hard and I had to be strong for both of us.
It is a couple of days into my vacation and I call and txt all day to check on my Mica.
She is doing great but I can not say the same for me. I see dogs and I melt thinking of my moo moo back home.
Its ok though I'm enjoying my vacation and Mica is being spoiled by her aunt and uncle. It's hard for a first time dog mom in so long to leave her precious little baby after her raising her from a puppy. It's just for little while so I'll be ok once I see Mica again lol For those who think I'm crazy for being so sad without Mica, You never had a dog like her. :)
Some people may say
"whats the big deal? leave her with a sitter, kennel something and go on vacation."
Well its not that simple, I don't trust people with my baby and get very anxious. When I was planning this trip that is all I can think about. Who's going to stay with Mica? are they going to take care of her like i do and so on!
It was driving me insane thinking of me being without her, I even cried thinking about it. I love this little girl with all my heart and this would be the first time I will be away from her for more than a couple days. I will be gone for three whole weeks and I decided to leave Mica with My brother and his wife.
I trust them but was worried about if they would take care of her the way I do. (crazy I know but she is spoiled and I want it to stay that way.) I gave them a Mica 101 class along with her toys, bed, treats, food, clothes, bows and more. My brothers wife was shocked saying:
"Does a dog need this much stuff?"
I snapped back saying
"this isn't a dog, this is my baby."
She laughed it off and understood where I was coming from.
So fast forward to the day I left. It was so hard, for both of us I'm sure. She was sniffing around my luggage and even got in one and laid on my clothes. I was so close to closing it up and just taking her with me. lol I would never lock her in a suitcase but it was a thought. Anyways I walked her upstairs to my brothers apartment and said the heart breaking see you later. I started bawling and I felt as if she was too, my brother took her from me and I walked away. I looked back and saw her staring at me. I wanted to go back to her but kew it would be too hard and I had to be strong for both of us.
It is a couple of days into my vacation and I call and txt all day to check on my Mica.
She is doing great but I can not say the same for me. I see dogs and I melt thinking of my moo moo back home.
Its ok though I'm enjoying my vacation and Mica is being spoiled by her aunt and uncle. It's hard for a first time dog mom in so long to leave her precious little baby after her raising her from a puppy. It's just for little while so I'll be ok once I see Mica again lol For those who think I'm crazy for being so sad without Mica, You never had a dog like her. :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Mica + Art = Heaven!
Hello Everyone! hope everyone is having a wonderful summer because I know I am! It has been a rollercoaster of emotions but enjoyable to say the least.
Many of you may not know but I am an avid artist (Art Blog to come shortly ;) and love to paint, draw, arts and crafts, sculpt and more! It has always been a stress reliever for me and now that I have Mica she has also became a stress reliever for me. Which is vital due to my severe anxiety. (sucks)
Anyways, I am apart of many pet blogging sites one that I love is and one day looking around the various chats and discussion groups I came upon a user named Enzie Shahmiri. She had posted that she was a painter and that there was a contest going on for new newsletter subscribers to win a free digital portrait. Mind you I never win things like this, Never!
I signed up at her amazing site and actually fell in love with her work. It is so expressive, I actually felt the subjects through the art! I forgot about the contest but still visited the website dreaming of my very own portrait of my little love muffin!
So a few days ago I was checking my e-mail and came across this
She sent me an update and like magic a day later she was done! it was so fast and the finished product is breath taking! It is my Mica in Art form! I couldn't be any more happy with it. I will always have my princess on my wall and I have Enzie Shahmiri to thank and her excellent skills! I hope one day I can paint half as good as you can! Thank you once again, it is beautiful!
So don't forget to check out her amazing site, follower her blog and subscribe to her newsletter!
Anyways, I am apart of many pet blogging sites one that I love is and one day looking around the various chats and discussion groups I came upon a user named Enzie Shahmiri. She had posted that she was a painter and that there was a contest going on for new newsletter subscribers to win a free digital portrait. Mind you I never win things like this, Never!
I signed up at her amazing site and actually fell in love with her work. It is so expressive, I actually felt the subjects through the art! I forgot about the contest but still visited the website dreaming of my very own portrait of my little love muffin!
So a few days ago I was checking my e-mail and came across this
of course I was beyond shocked! I won, I had really won!
I immediately e-mailed her and we started the easy process of selecting the perfect picture, color and even the layout of the painting.
Enzie made the process so enjoyable and informative. she informed me the picture should have good lighting and a sharp focus and we went from there.
We both agreed on a close up shot of a picture I had taken just because I'm an obsessed dog mom.She sent me an update and like magic a day later she was done! it was so fast and the finished product is breath taking! It is my Mica in Art form! I couldn't be any more happy with it. I will always have my princess on my wall and I have Enzie Shahmiri to thank and her excellent skills! I hope one day I can paint half as good as you can! Thank you once again, it is beautiful!
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This is the finished product! I didn't think she could be any cuter, Enzie proved me wrong! :) |
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The incorporated colors into her fur, the brush strokes everything is perfect! She even got the innocence in her eyes! I love it! |
Monday, July 27, 2015
Is that mud or poop??
So something happened the other day and as funny as it is now when it
happened I was far from amused. lol
I live on the north side of Chicago and my boyfriend lives far south.
Every other weekend I spend a few days with him at his house. I bring Mica of
course and she is always a joy to have around. He loves Mica as much as I do
and treats her like our Baby.
One morning She wakes me up with the usual "I have to use It."
barks and I get dressed and proceed to take her out to his giant backyard. There’s
a shed Mica loves to run around so I don't say anything when I don't see her
for a few seconds.
I saw her rolling around the grass (which she loves to do right after a
bath :/ ) but did not mind because she is just being the kid she
is. lol I walk to the entrance of the gate and call her over. I see her
running over as happy as can be and she seemed to be covered in something.
As she runs over I say to myself "Is
that mud or poop?" she continued to run over to me and I noticed whatever
is was, was everywhere! Her face, back, legs and chest was covered in the
mystery substance.
When she got next to me I realized that mud
does not smell the way she smelt. I put my head into my hands and realized my
precious little love muffin was covered in poop.
As a few expletives came out my mouth she
continue to wag her tail and jump around, she could not understand why mommy
was so upset. lol
I carefully grabbed her in the only spot not covered in fecal matter and
brought her into the bathroom and got out her puppy shampoo. As I proceeded to
scrub the poop off her face she bombarded me with kisses and tail wags and I
couldn't help but smile at my mischievous bundle of joy.
When she
was all bathed, brushed and blow dried she jumped on my boyfriend and he noticed that she was freshly bathed and I explained to him what had happened. He was quite amused with what had happened. (jerk lol)
He then said well kids will be kids. Lmao
I laughed because he was absolutely right because puppies are just liked
kids they do things you don't want them to and you have to roll with the
didn't know what she was doing was wrong or stinky she just knew she was
playing and whatever she did mommy will fix it. lol
So I did and I will continue to teach her right from wrong and clean up
when she has an accident. Why? Because it is my responsibility to make sure she
will grow up to be the best little marshmallow panda she can be. lol ( I call
her my wild marshmallow panda because....well that what she looks like to me lol )
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Her first vet visit and my first heart attack!
Mica had been to the low cost clinic (the link is in my first blog) but that was for her first shots and to be spayed. I made the Appointnent so I knew what we were both in for. Lol she went in and come out just fine, mind you this is 5 months ago. Now at 10 months I started to notice some things that worried me.
I had started to hear very loud gurgling from her stomach. I would be across the room and I would hear it, At first I thought maybe she was just hungry. But this was before I found her wining combo food wise. All of a sudden my sweet little angel starts having epic episodes of gagging! I was in full panic! I did the worse thing you can do, I started googling her symptoms! Biggest mistake, I thought my baby had all types of things wrong with her and that she would die. It would wake us both out of our sleep and I would stay up And try to ease her discomfort. I would give her water, a little honey and even running her throat nothing was working. She would gag and gag but no throw up came out. lol so when I changed the food the gurgling pretty much stopped and so that eased my worries for now.
I was still worried because even though it had stopped I wanted to know for sure my baby was ok. I found a vet that offered free first exams. We went and it was such a clean and welcoming office, which was nice because I was dyeing in the inside just thinking anything could be wrong with Mica.
We went into the exam room and the nice Dr. Checked her out and then proceeded to explain about her anal glands needing to be expelled.
Ok first things first I have had dogs all my life and NEVER heard of a dogs anal glands needing to be expelled or whatever lol
Long story not so short anymore but Mica is healthy and doing great! He expelled her anal glands and gave her so much relief I didn't even know she needed. It goes to show you even when you think you know everything, you don't. Dogs need check ups they need special medical care that we will never know if you don't take them to the vet and just ask questions!
Mica is my heart, I love her like my own child and would do anything for her! Making sure she is happy and healthy is my top priority!
Stay tuned for tips, stories, adventures and a SPECIAL CONSTEST I WILL BE HAVING IN SEPTEMBER! 😊
Monday, July 13, 2015
Get in my BELLY!
One thing I know a lot of Dog parents struggle with is.....Feeding time!
There is two types of Dogs in my opinion, the ones who live to eat and the ones who eat to live.
The differences are the Dogs who live to eat want all the food all the time! They will eat almost anything except their own food. :/
The ones who eat to live, eat their own food when given and doesn't give their owners a hard time eating: Of course Mica lives to eat.
I have tried all types of brands and tricks to get her to eat her dry food but nothing. She has aways gave me a hard time but I always said it was because she was a puppy. Now at 9 months she was still giving me issues with eating. She never has a problem eating a piece of fruit or a morsel falling to the floor, but her food....NOPE!!!
Several months of trial and error a friend of mine told me about the brand, Wellness.
There is two types of Dogs in my opinion, the ones who live to eat and the ones who eat to live.
The differences are the Dogs who live to eat want all the food all the time! They will eat almost anything except their own food. :/
The ones who eat to live, eat their own food when given and doesn't give their owners a hard time eating: Of course Mica lives to eat.
I have tried all types of brands and tricks to get her to eat her dry food but nothing. She has aways gave me a hard time but I always said it was because she was a puppy. Now at 9 months she was still giving me issues with eating. She never has a problem eating a piece of fruit or a morsel falling to the floor, but her food....NOPE!!!
Several months of trial and error a friend of mine told me about the brand, Wellness.
I researched it and loved all the testimonials, the ingredients and the overall quality of Wellness. I bought this complete health, small breed puppy food and she actually liked it, somewhat.
I noticed she was eating but it took her such a long time to eat such a little amount of food. So I started talking to me vet and he said try adding some wet food. i then bought the Wellness Petite wet entrees.
We had finally found our combo to get Mica to eat a whole bowl of food!
I put maybe half a cup of dry food and a quarter container of the petite entrees. (I put the rest of the wet food into a tupperware to save for the next day.) I mash the wet food into the dry food to fully coat the dry food in the gravy and I let it sit for approximately 10 minutes. When I put it down she devoured the whole thing, I was so happy!
It has been a little over a month since I started feeding her this way and things are going phenomenal! I give her this once a day and it seems to keep her satisfied and at a good weight.
(she gets treats and snack through out the day.)
Mica is thriving and growing into such a good little girl!
Stay tuned for recipes for all natural, healthy dog treats that your dog will lick their chops over!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Grooming is a must.
As a lot of dog owners know grooming is something that needs to be done on a regular basis, especially for dogs with long hair like Maltipoo's. Mica hair is long and straight and if not brushed regularly it can become extremely knotted.
When I take Mica a bath I make sure I have everything ready and laid out so I wont be running all over the place while she is cold and wet. The water should be warm, not hot or cold and to make it easier on your' pet give them a treat when they get in the bath or here ever you do their bathing at.
A puppy's bath time can be stressful if you don't start acclimating them to the water and everything else at a young age.
I started bathing Mica myself at 5 months. She was so tiny i bathed her right in the bathroom sink, she was visibly nervous but really didn't fight me. I kept reassuring her it was OK and that she was being a good girl. When I saw she was calming down I praised her and gave her a treat. When bathing was done it was on to blow drying and brushing. I must have gotten lucky because the noise or the air from the blow dryer did not bother her at all, she just laid on my lap with those big, beautiful eyes. LOL
Mica is such a diva in my eyes so one day I was looking at her mostly all white hair and said we need some color! I starting researching about how to dye her hair and found a lot of great tips. One tip that caught my eye was dying her hair with food coloring. I was skeptical at first but I tried it anyway and it came out great!
I used Regular food coloring and dog conditioner ( Human conditioner works fine too.) aluminum foil and a tooth brush.
I mixed the food coloring with the conditioner, the darker the paste the brighter the end result will be. laid her tail over the aluminum foil and started to apply the color paste with the tooth brush to ensure even distribution. Then fold the aluminum foil around the tail and wait 5-10 minutes depending on the vibrancy you are looking for. Then rinse it off and dry normally. Coloring methods like this doesn't work on dark hair dogs.
I love having Mica colored because it give her the pop of color that matches her personality!
Thanks for reading and please share pictures of your colorful dogs!
When I take Mica a bath I make sure I have everything ready and laid out so I wont be running all over the place while she is cold and wet. The water should be warm, not hot or cold and to make it easier on your' pet give them a treat when they get in the bath or here ever you do their bathing at.
A puppy's bath time can be stressful if you don't start acclimating them to the water and everything else at a young age.
I started bathing Mica myself at 5 months. She was so tiny i bathed her right in the bathroom sink, she was visibly nervous but really didn't fight me. I kept reassuring her it was OK and that she was being a good girl. When I saw she was calming down I praised her and gave her a treat. When bathing was done it was on to blow drying and brushing. I must have gotten lucky because the noise or the air from the blow dryer did not bother her at all, she just laid on my lap with those big, beautiful eyes. LOL
- When blow drying your' puppy make sure the air is not hot, you can easily burn your' dogs skin which would cause for a Vet visit.
Mica is such a diva in my eyes so one day I was looking at her mostly all white hair and said we need some color! I starting researching about how to dye her hair and found a lot of great tips. One tip that caught my eye was dying her hair with food coloring. I was skeptical at first but I tried it anyway and it came out great!
I used Regular food coloring and dog conditioner ( Human conditioner works fine too.) aluminum foil and a tooth brush.
I mixed the food coloring with the conditioner, the darker the paste the brighter the end result will be. laid her tail over the aluminum foil and started to apply the color paste with the tooth brush to ensure even distribution. Then fold the aluminum foil around the tail and wait 5-10 minutes depending on the vibrancy you are looking for. Then rinse it off and dry normally. Coloring methods like this doesn't work on dark hair dogs.
I love having Mica colored because it give her the pop of color that matches her personality!
Thanks for reading and please share pictures of your colorful dogs!
Mica with her famous pink tail. |
Tried something new and did a purple/blue look this time (more to come) |
Friday, July 3, 2015
First things first, Potty Training! :/
Mica is now a part of the family and thriving but there is just one slight problem.......She is a stuck up puppy!!! lol Now I know I am part to blame for spoiling her but how was I not supposed to want to cuddle her all day when she looks like a little marshmallow panda. lol
When she first came home to us it was November in Chicago so the snow in our backyard was about waist deep and Mica was up to my ankles if that. At first she wouldn't dare go down the stairs so after picking her up, she dove into the snow and I damn near lost her. When I got her out and she finally got the hang of this snow thing seeing as she was a Floridian lol She used the bathroom just fine and I thought to myself, this is going to be a piece of cake.
It was, if the cake peed and pooped in my front porch. :/
It was going fantastic until the snow melted and it became a muddy, wet, nasty mess in my backyard.
This little girl does not like to get dirty or wet if it is raining. She doesn't mind using the bathroom in snow but if it is raining she gives me a look as to say -
"You got to be kidding me!"
She wont dare have an accident in her cage or in any of the bedrooms but if she is left unattended and the weather conditions are not to her liking Mica will make a pit stop where she can lol
Don't get me wrong I completely understand she's a puppy and just like kids they make mistakes. So of course I reprimanded her and when she does go outside I always praise her with treats.
Now at nine months she is doing very well, rarely has an accident but when she does I can always find her peeking around the corner because she knows she is in trouble. (she usually hides in my Dads closet when I'm done cleaning up her mess lol) She is slowly but surely getting over the whole fear of rain and dirt thing. Sometimes when it rains I run outside with her just to show her Mommy can do it too. :)
Some tips I have for potty training a puppy is....CONSISTENCY!
Since I was working during the day and had to rely on my family it was hard for me because I take her training very seriously, she is way to smart for it be squandered on nothing. So after me taking her out every couple of hours all night and once in the morning before I left for work is was up to my family to keep it up. They did for the most part lol but that can throw a puppy off, they don't know if it is OK or not and you always have to show them that their bathroom is outside no matter what!
Dedication is key for your puppy's development and your sanity lol
For me crate training at night was best because it shows her that is her bed and she wouldn't use the bathroom in her bed.
Take the puppy out every couple hours during the night. (they will let you know if you don't lol)
Take them out the first thing in the morning.
Be aware of them eating and drinking because I know for Mica she would use the bathroom about 10-20 minutes when she was 4-7 months and now 30-45 minutes after she eats or drinks at 9 months.
And finally be consistent in discipline, good or bad. If they use the bathroom inside and not on a puppy pad (I didn't use them, personally don't like them.) Let them know they did a bad things and punish them. Thirty minutes in the crate did the trick because she loved being out and about. If they use the bathroom outside be EXCITED! Tell them your happy and they will be too and want to do it again!
This are tips and tricks that have helped me and I am just sharing how I am getting Mica to 100% potty trained. I hope these tips help and the story was enjoyable!
Thanks for reading! (Anyone :) )
When she first came home to us it was November in Chicago so the snow in our backyard was about waist deep and Mica was up to my ankles if that. At first she wouldn't dare go down the stairs so after picking her up, she dove into the snow and I damn near lost her. When I got her out and she finally got the hang of this snow thing seeing as she was a Floridian lol She used the bathroom just fine and I thought to myself, this is going to be a piece of cake.
It was, if the cake peed and pooped in my front porch. :/
It was going fantastic until the snow melted and it became a muddy, wet, nasty mess in my backyard.
This little girl does not like to get dirty or wet if it is raining. She doesn't mind using the bathroom in snow but if it is raining she gives me a look as to say -
"You got to be kidding me!"
She wont dare have an accident in her cage or in any of the bedrooms but if she is left unattended and the weather conditions are not to her liking Mica will make a pit stop where she can lol
Don't get me wrong I completely understand she's a puppy and just like kids they make mistakes. So of course I reprimanded her and when she does go outside I always praise her with treats.
Now at nine months she is doing very well, rarely has an accident but when she does I can always find her peeking around the corner because she knows she is in trouble. (she usually hides in my Dads closet when I'm done cleaning up her mess lol) She is slowly but surely getting over the whole fear of rain and dirt thing. Sometimes when it rains I run outside with her just to show her Mommy can do it too. :)
Some tips I have for potty training a puppy is....CONSISTENCY!
Since I was working during the day and had to rely on my family it was hard for me because I take her training very seriously, she is way to smart for it be squandered on nothing. So after me taking her out every couple of hours all night and once in the morning before I left for work is was up to my family to keep it up. They did for the most part lol but that can throw a puppy off, they don't know if it is OK or not and you always have to show them that their bathroom is outside no matter what!
Dedication is key for your puppy's development and your sanity lol
For me crate training at night was best because it shows her that is her bed and she wouldn't use the bathroom in her bed.
Take the puppy out every couple hours during the night. (they will let you know if you don't lol)
Take them out the first thing in the morning.
Be aware of them eating and drinking because I know for Mica she would use the bathroom about 10-20 minutes when she was 4-7 months and now 30-45 minutes after she eats or drinks at 9 months.
And finally be consistent in discipline, good or bad. If they use the bathroom inside and not on a puppy pad (I didn't use them, personally don't like them.) Let them know they did a bad things and punish them. Thirty minutes in the crate did the trick because she loved being out and about. If they use the bathroom outside be EXCITED! Tell them your happy and they will be too and want to do it again!
This are tips and tricks that have helped me and I am just sharing how I am getting Mica to 100% potty trained. I hope these tips help and the story was enjoyable!
Thanks for reading! (Anyone :) )
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My Dad laying by her crate while she slept at 4 months. |
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Mica now at nine months. :) |
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
How Our MaltiPoo came to be ours!
I am very new to this but what the heck, I decided to start sharing Mica (my amazing maltipoo) and my adventures, journey and overall advice in being a dog owner/obsessive dog mom with the world (or whoever reads this lol)
I will start from the very beginning. I live in Chicago and my oldest brother lives in Florida. My father was in Florida visiting my brother when one day my brothers oldest friend, G, invited my father and my brothers family over for dinner. Upon entering the residence my father saw G's dogs running around the house. My family are all animal lovers, dogs especially lol. so my father was instantly enthralled by the beautiful Maltese and poodle mixes playing around him. when G's daughter signaled to my father to follow her to a back room he was surprised to see an adorable litter of puppies, being the animal lover he is he picked up the smallest and whitest puppy he could find. G's wife came over and said "she's yours! your son can take her with him the next time he visits you."
In shock my father gratefully turned down the generous gift because unfortunately he is on disability and my family is not on the best financial terms. So although adorable a puppy is a big responsibility not only financially but physically.
When my father called me and told me how he was offered the puppy and turned her down due to financial restrictions I was instantly determined to do whatever it takes to get my father and my family this puppy. I went downstairs and my middle brother and I started operation ACQUIRE PUPPY! :)
At that time we were both working (i'm unemployed now :( ) so we knew financially we could make this work if we all put in our parts. I found a low income spay and neuter clinic,
who were amazingly priced, clean, friendly and very informative.
Fast forward to a couple days before my brother is driving down to visit, my dad is back in Chicago and he is still insisting we can not afford this puppy. thats one thing I want who ever reads to understand my dad loves dogs but also loves paying bills which we do barely every month LBS.
So when he was fighting me and my brother on getting this dog he was only doing so for the financial benefit of all of us, which i completely understood. on the other hand my Dad is almost sixty, diabetic, high blood-pressure and also a very high anxiety issue (Thanks Dad, I inherited that :/ )
So I knew this puppy would help ease my dads anxiety and almost act as a therapy dog for him and me lol It had been over ten years since our last dog (RIP) So this was a touchy subject for all of us.
Now it is the day before my brother is coming to visit and my brother and I take it upon ourselves and head on over to Petsmart :) we get all the things we need for our little bundle of joy, because in my head how can you say now if I come home with a cage and a pink tutu, I mean come on lol
My fathers sees all of this and goes into full anxiety attack. "we cant afford a puppy and Blah, Blah Blaaaahhhh." I start to explain to him my brothers and I plan for food, vet care, potty training everything! he eased a little but was still unsure.
THE DAY OF! Ok so at this point my brother is on his way and my father is still not ok with this puppy coming home but I was all for it! My brother pulls into our garage but before he can park the window rolls down and his wife hands me this little ball of marshmallow glitter love! AKA the puppy lol
It was love at first site! she was four months old and my soulmate! My Dad walks over to me and grabs her and I knew he felt the same way. At that moment I knew she was her to stay. Sorry for the long speech of how she came to be our love but it felt like years of disputing to me so I thought I would share the struggle before the rainbow. lol
Her name is Mica, marshmallow to my fluff and the Beyonce to my Jay-Z. LMAO
She is now nine months and absolutely amazing. The smartest, loving, protective and craziest puppy I have ever had and I would not change one thing! ( for those with rude comments we take VERY good care of her and I would rather not care for myself before I let anything bad happen to her.)
I hope whoever reads this enjoys this story and is willing to read my journey of training, tricks, potty time, feeding, clothes and more!
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My father and Mica the week she become a part of the family! |
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