Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Grooming is a must.

       As a lot of dog owners know grooming is something that needs to be done on a regular basis, especially for dogs with long hair like Maltipoo's. Mica hair is long and straight and if not brushed regularly it can become extremely knotted.
       When I take Mica a bath I make sure I have everything ready and laid out so I wont be running all over the place while she is cold and wet. The water should be warm, not hot or cold and to make it easier on your' pet give them a treat when they get in the bath or here ever you do their bathing at.
A puppy's bath time can be stressful if you don't start acclimating them to the water and everything else at a young age.
      I started bathing Mica myself at 5 months. She was so tiny i bathed her right in the bathroom sink, she was visibly nervous but really didn't fight me. I kept reassuring her it was OK and that she was being a good girl. When I saw she was calming down I praised her and gave her a treat. When bathing was done it was on to blow drying and brushing. I must have gotten lucky because the noise or the air from the blow dryer did not bother her at all, she just laid on my lap with those big, beautiful eyes. LOL

  • When blow drying your' puppy make sure the air is not hot, you can easily burn your' dogs skin which would cause for a Vet visit. 
     After drying her hair i brushed her and she was a fluffy little ball of energy. One thing I noticed about Micas hair is they constant matting of her hair around her ears and belly. It was frustrating because trying to brush out the knots would hurt her and also hurt me watching her in any pain. So I started to look for solutions to her constant knotting, I found a few detainglers at local pt supply places but didn't like any of em due to many reasons. (Smell, Consistency, price...Etc.) So one day I'm looking in our pantry and i see all natural organic coconut oil. (LIGHTBULB!) I put a lil bit on to her knots rubbed it in and....Magic! The knots were much easier to come out and no more pain for either one of us. Lol

       Mica is such a diva in my eyes so one day I was looking at her mostly all white hair and said we need some color! I starting researching about how to dye her hair and found a lot of great tips. One tip that caught my eye was dying her hair with food coloring. I was skeptical at first but I tried it anyway and it came out great!

I used Regular food coloring and dog conditioner ( Human conditioner works fine too.) aluminum foil and a tooth brush.

I mixed the food coloring with the conditioner, the darker the paste the brighter the end result will be.  laid her tail over the aluminum foil and started to apply the color paste with the tooth brush to ensure even distribution. Then fold the aluminum foil around the tail and wait 5-10 minutes depending on the vibrancy you are looking for. Then rinse it off and dry normally. Coloring methods like this doesn't work on dark hair dogs.

I love having Mica colored because it give her the pop of color that matches her personality!

Thanks for reading and please share pictures of your colorful dogs! 

Mica with her famous pink tail.

Tried something new and did a purple/blue look this time (more to come)


  1. Love her hair! I just saw your post on Blogpaws. Welcome to the blogging world! There are tons of fur friendly people out here who you will love interacting with. We do!! Xoxo MaddiethePug and her mommy

    1. Thank u so much! I love how supportive everyone is! :)

  2. I also just came from Blogpaws after reading your post. Your pup is absolutely adorable, and I just wanted to say welcome to the blogging world!!! There are tons of great people over at Blogpaws willing to help with any questions you might have.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. I really appreciate it! looking forward to more blogging between all of us!
